Someone asked for everyone's difinintion of the word Bitch , I wrote what my meaning of the term was but then thought about it How did this word become a slang word used to discribe many different things about a woman and in some cases a man. I myself have been called this many times in the past , NOT for the way I acted , but because some felt that I was takening their job away from them when in reality I just wanted to work and provide for my daughters ( single mother ) I never got into the industry to prove a point, but I did have to prove myself over and over that I could do the job and when I stopped , I can proudly say that I finished with a driveing recored of safty that would surpass many. Each day I would hear the word " Bitch" throwed at me " Bitch go back home " Bitch your taking our job away from us " Bitch this Bitch that " Finally I came back at them " I would rather be a Bitch then a Dog , A dog will smell anythings Ass and a Bitch wont" this little phrase finally shut most of them up .. why you asked because I was referring to them as the counter part of the female Bitch ,, the Dog , Why because most over the road drivers are out there for months at a time and most do not have the self disapline and would pay anything for sexual favors , they knew I knew this , To them I was a Bitch because as one difinition puts it " a strong or assertive woman, one who might make men feel threatened.
now for the rest , I found this information at
the word Bitch has been a derogatory term for women since the 14th century . the word Bitch comes from the 1150 word bicche, which was developed from the old english word bicce, and also may have been derived from the old Icelandic word bikkja for " female dog " its earliest slang meaning mainly referred to the sexual behavior of women .early applications were to a promiscuous or sensual woman, a metaphorical extension of the behavior of a bitch in heat. Herein lies the original point of the powerful insult
son of a bitch, found as
biche sone ca. 1330 in
Arthur and Merlin ... while in a spirited exchange in the
Chester Play (ca. 1400) a character demands: “Whom callest thou queine, skabde bitch?” (“Who are you calling a whore, you miserable bitch?”). Bitch remained a strong insult through the ninteenth century.
In the 20th century , " Bitch " has become less vulgar . The term can refer to a person or thing that is very difficult .' However, it is still derogatory and anti-woman by default.
it can also be used as a self -description as an unfaily difficult person.
In modern feminism " bitch " has varied reappropriated meanings that may connote a strong female ( anti -stereotype of the weak submissive woman ) cunning ( equal to males in mental guile) or can be a backhanded compliment for someone who has excelled in an achievement .
in each culture pop culture and Hip hop culture the term Bitch has lost a lot of its insult.
Now in the reference to Men :
When used to describe a male, "bitch" may also confer the meaning of subordinate, especially to another male, as in prison. Generally, this term is used to indicate that the person is acting outside the confines of their gender roles, such as when women are assertive or aggressive, or when men are passive or servile.
In the context of prison sexuality, a bitch is a lower-hierarchy prisoner, typically physically weak or vulnerable, who is dominated by more senior prisoners and forced to adopt a servile role. According to convention, these inmates are used as sexual slaves or traded as personal property. [16]
A "prison bitch" can also refer to any subservient entity, as in the Douglas Rushkoff description of a Microsoft - Yahoo partnership: "Yahoo is merely hooking up with the most alpha male company it can still find in order to survive. Microsoft will soon turn Yahoo into its prison bitch, and this won’t be pretty." [17] that was easier to copy and paste ,, thehee but hope everyone enjoys reading and now we know where the Slang term of Bitch started ....