Tuesday, July 7, 2009

its early in the morning and once again Ive woken up , this seems to be my normal return , this morning I woke up talking in my sleep but I cant remember what I was talking about or what I was saying , oh well , I saw Redsojana and Amin this morning and Fidelis before I scooted off to bed to snuggle up next to Blak, he is Soo sweet even in his sleep he reaches over and lays a reasureing hand on my side ,Ive come accustomed to this , sometimes if he's hand isnt on my somewhere while I drift off to dream land I feel that there is a part of me not there. its funny how you go to never wanting to fall in love with anyone ever again because of being hurt by others soo much , but there comes a time that you have to put all that behind you and always remember that the one your with now is NOT the ones from your past. Im so glad I made my mind up to not do this with him and he is NOT like anyone else I have ever been with , he always says he cant understand what I see in him , Really I cant understand what he see's in me, I tease him relentlessly, one day maybe he will tell me , " yawns " as per my normal return Im going back to bed and get a little bit more shut eye


  1. As for one of the most sentimental things you'll ever hear me say .. I know what you mean.

    Sydd is living with me since a month.
    I too went from " y'all fuck off I don't want to know you and I don't care " to .. " I don't think I'll ever like someone like I like him "

  2. Loll, yeah, I can still hear her say... "no fucking rl!"
    And I was utter speachless when the pizzaboy moved in^^
    And he better spoil you!
    Or you should kick him back, xd
