Sunday, December 6, 2009

just a few more things

we had our first snow of the season , it didnt last long but I know more is to come.
A Birthday present for my sister , Dec 23 is her birthday
this is a poem I wrote a while back about a very special man , you may have to enlarge it to be able to read .

Friday, December 4, 2009

just a simple dream

this is a painting I did for a Dream contest , even though I know I up againest some of the most learned and talentest artist , I think its my best work to date , what do you think ? it was inspired by my grandparents and great grandparents , just a simple little dream , of love laughter and growing old together still being in love and laughing

A vist

after working all day on a painting Im doing for another contest , photoshop started acting up on me , so I decided to stop for a while and go on Secondlife , which Ive not really been on since before we started to move and not much time after we got here , but anyway , As everyone know's Hispa and Swee opened up another RP sim The Ancient Mayan Empire .' I have been wanting to go see it and finally tonight I decided to go and I'm glad I did , took me half the night to find the right things and look so that I would not be againest the rules , Should have known there would have been freebies there for vistor's but oh well . The builder is Swee and she is doing everything to the time period and the detail is awesome. The buildings are like looking at a photograph, Everything there is like what the Mayans left behind for everyone to see. I found one place and of course clumsy me I fell in and couldnt get out , I think I found the calander room , I had to take pictures , so the first picture is the place I fell into ,, Great work Swee , and those that have not visted there yet should ,