Friday, December 4, 2009

A vist

after working all day on a painting Im doing for another contest , photoshop started acting up on me , so I decided to stop for a while and go on Secondlife , which Ive not really been on since before we started to move and not much time after we got here , but anyway , As everyone know's Hispa and Swee opened up another RP sim The Ancient Mayan Empire .' I have been wanting to go see it and finally tonight I decided to go and I'm glad I did , took me half the night to find the right things and look so that I would not be againest the rules , Should have known there would have been freebies there for vistor's but oh well . The builder is Swee and she is doing everything to the time period and the detail is awesome. The buildings are like looking at a photograph, Everything there is like what the Mayans left behind for everyone to see. I found one place and of course clumsy me I fell in and couldnt get out , I think I found the calander room , I had to take pictures , so the first picture is the place I fell into ,, Great work Swee , and those that have not visted there yet should ,


  1. it looks really nice there... congra that they could manage to get something new started

  2. and the most amazing thing is its the ONLY one of its kind in SL and Swe and Hispa are making sure its just like the real mayan villages that are still in Mexico , it truly is amazing
