Monday, November 30, 2009

DANG IT !!!!!!!

here is the painting ,, gees


  1. Hi tchebbe,
    it's a very nice pic, but I'm not sure about the mood in there ...
    There is this woman sitting in the chair, I guess she's a bit older already and isn't well with walking anymore ...
    she looks outside, watches a couple walking hand in hand ... in autumn ...
    but maybe it's only a memory of her ... it's a bit melancholic ...
    but the bright colours, especially the light blue, keep too heavy thoughts away ...
    I bet it's a good memory she's having
    I like pics that tell a story, but leave enough room for imagination
    well done ;-)

  2. oups ... just saw it's called 'fall memories' ... me pea brain ... lol
    good title ;-)

  3. thheeh you got it , theheh yes it is her memories of days gone by walking hand in hand with her husband in the fall , tehhehehe

  4. The picture is really well done tchebbe, I like it a lot, it's soft, dreamy, and has some hidden melancholity, which I adore :)

  5. the granny with the walking frame... well, it looks like it always is.. just one left and then they get lonely and sometimes forgotten...

  6. yes that is very true but thank goodness mine was never forgotten , none of them , my two Great grandmothers ,, really this is about one of them , she was something else , I loved her to death but she was never forgotten she taught me alot along with the others , we are a close knit family , and it just confuses me so much that others arnt , when your in my family your welcomed with open arms , its the only way we know how ,and thank you Talismere
